Hi everyone, welcome to my bucket list which was started in 2015. It is surely a never ending work in progress which is being updated and contemplated.

Before you ask me, I know that the bucket list is huge. So, I am going to write on the four main things only.

I hope that while you see these new ideas, you get an inspiration to create your own crazy fun bucket list and then taking steps to complete those items.

#1.Swim with Dolphins

This is one of the biggest selection holiday activities in Mauritius. Exploring the spectacular lives of those magnificent marine mammals in their natural habitat has always been my dream and I was blessed to be able to fulfill it and immense myself in the adventure of a lifetime and swim with them in crystal clear water.

Swimming with dolphins has been an incredibly moving experience for me which has brought me into contact with a beautiful scenery as well as wonderful animals. I was able to come face to face with these beautiful marine mammals and had the opportunity to enter their natural environment.

#2.Make a snowman

Making a snowman was certainly the biggest wish I have ever had since childhood. Born in a tropical island, i have never had the opportunity to make one. However, the best thing about coming to Canada was that I was able to build my first snowman and I was able to share this amazing moment with my special ones.

#3.Having a white Christmas

I have been dreaming of a white Christmas since childhood as I live in a country where there is no sign of snow and living in such a hot place made it impossible for me to experience this magical moment. I think that the decision of coming to Canada helped me in accomplishing my dream and made me experience a true white and dreamy Christmas. when it comes to guaranteeing a white Christmas, Ottawa is the best place to be as this city is well-prepared for the snow season. Born in a tropical island, a white Christmas is all but a dream and I am lucky that I could accomplish it last year.

#4.See Niagara Falls

The one main thing on my Bucket list is visiting Niagara Falls. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and empowering thing in Canada. Hopefully, I'll be planning a trip to this majestic and wonderful place this year. The falls live up to its name as one of the wonders of the world and I think everyone needs to see it once in their lifetime!


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